We promote learning, above everything.

Teaching the community 🎓

A project team is meant, above all, to be a learning experience. Given our mission of community impact, we want to help everyone learn and grow through our training courses in design, technology, and product development.

Trends in Web Development

Learn about modern industry-leading technologies.

Trends in Web Development is a 1-credit S/U course that showcases modern full-stack development and best practices used within industry. We cover technologies like TypeScript, React, Node.js, Firebase, Express and more, all of which are deployed at scale by leading tech companies.

💻 Apply for Trends here.

We emphasize best engineering practices for every element of the course taught, from API design to frontend modularization.

Best Practices


Learn how to deploy your web applications to the cloud using service providers such as Heroku or the Google Cloud Platform.

Final Project

The class ends with a final capstone project consolidating all class topics, which can be used on your resume or portfolio.

DTI Propel 🚀

Propel is an incubator program devoted to student ideas.

At Propel, we will provide resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship for Cornell students to build and scale their project ideas from ideation to launch. We are currently restructuring the course and it will be offered again soon!